Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Quasimodo’s Revenge; Intervention by a Transit Cop; Dinner at La Maquette; Back in the USA!

A good number of Canadians were soaring about the city of Toronto late Sunday after Suzanne shared with them how to let their spirit S.O.A.R!   It also helped that the expressway closure that kept us in traffic the entire day before reopened just after the workshop.  Whether it was the traffic relief or the loving energy among those present, it was a wonderful day.  

Of note, during yesterday’s S.O.A.R. Workshop, Suzanne was about to start a guided meditation, and mentioned that there can always be distractions and interruptions, but you only need to set the intention that any outside sounds will make you go deeper, and everything will be in perfect order. Still, she wasn’t prepared for the 10 minutes of booming church bells from the St. James Cathedral bell tower just across the street, celebrating the installation of a new Anglican  bishop. I was outside and was almost deafened, and was concerned that Quasimodo had run amuck. This bell tower is among the tallest (and loudest) in the world. What luck! These two photos show the choir lining up before the bell ringing and the bishop’s party afterwards. 

When we were trying to plan driving into Toronto for Sunday’s S.O.A.R! Workshop, one of the women at the Indigo book signing stepped in to help. She asked Suzanne where we were traveling from, and said not to come from a northerly direction into the city because of the Terry Fox Marathon being held that same morning. She wasn’t sure of the route, so she called the police and said, “This is Transit Officer Smith, Badge Number 123456, and I have a US General who needs to have his motorcade routed around the marathon. What’s the best route for him to take from Ebitacoke to downtown?” Suzanne was rather stunned, as she wasn’t aware that she had been promoted to General... the pay may be slow coming, but the Transit Officer’s VIP routing advice was much appreciated!

Monday night was a special event with Suzanne as the featured guest/speaker, starting with a gourmet dinner at La Maquette, a top notch restaurant on King Street in Toronto. Suzanne and I both had salmon, and she is about to dive into hers.  She enjoyed a lively conversation with guests Sidney and Nancy Kirkpatrack, to her left.  Sidney is the author of many books, including, Edgar Cayce:  An American Prophet, the definitive biography about Edgar Cayce, for which Nancy served as a ghost writer with her husband.  Sidney speaks around the U.S. and Canada at many events for the A.R.E. (Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment).  The Kirkpatricks drove 3 ½ hours to attend the event, driving back to their B&B Inn in Canada at the end of the evening.   Phew!   

We filled most of the top floor of the restaurant with three tables of guests. It was a diverse, very lively group, and conversation never lagged for a moment. 

Here is Suzanne with Ange Kanavas, owner of La Maquette, the weekend events’ organizer Lee Ann Gibbs, and friend Honrie. They and Frances Rolph (far left), our friend from The Villages and Lee Ann’s aunt, made Toronto’s events possible.  Ange is a gifted intuitive and healer in her own right, and helped Suzanne get grounded and stay balanced during a very hectic two-day event.

Suzanne spoke on “Where Science and Spirituality Meet” after dinner, and it was very well received. I spoke with one engineer in attendance, and he agreed that it was a very coherent, logical presentation. (That’s my girl!) 

This morning we left Toronto enroute Rochester, NY. We enjoyed our stay immensely, but we have to be in Rochester early for Suzanne to make a TV interview at 2:30 PM, so it was a rainy, early morning departure from our luxury campground resort (a Wal-Mart parking lot). Here is a quick “out-the-window” shot of Niagara Falls as we crossed the bridge back to the US. Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” was playing in my mind as we crossed that bridge. 

1 comment:

  1. What a neat photo of Niagara Falls...

    Everything looks very nice and sounds like Suzanne
    had a good night...
