Friday, September 21, 2012

Corinthian, Ionian or Doric??? Messages of Hope Documentary Rochester Premiere

Driving back to our Webster Park campground in Monroe County, we passed this very well-kept old farmhouse. I had to capture it “on film” because it recalled a bygone era that I am partial to. I particularly liked the Ionian columns, and wondered whether it was built by a soldier who had been in the South during the Civil War...  

Near the lakeshore in a small community called Summit Beach, this beautiful house’s reflection is captured in their pond. It isn’t that old, but it would be a lovely place to spend the summer.  

The neighborhood’s entry marker was also colorful; but what does this area look like in January?  

Thursday evening’s event was one that we had been looking forward to all summer - the Messages of Hope documentary Rochester Premiere on the big screen! The filmmaker, Chris Lavelle, lives in Rochester, and we expected a big crowd at the Little Theater. Our good friend Bob Vance had come back to Rochester from The Villages and helped us set up. 

Suzanne’s book table was well-organized by Bev Garlipp, with assistance from her friends Pam and Bev. They were a real help, allowing your correspondent to circulate and meet several interesting Rochesterians (I think that’s the correct term). 

The theater was packed, with many of Chris’ family and friends from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) as well as folks who had attended Suzanne’s Where Science and Spirituality Meet talk the night before at Christ Church Unity and those who saw the TV news coverage. After opening remarks by Suzanne and Chris, the movie was shown, and everyone loved it! A lively, 30 minute Q&A session followed the showing of the film. 

Suzanne was busy signing books after the movie. Many of the movie attendees will also be attending her S.O.A.R! Workshop on Saturday at Christ Church Unity of Rochester. 

Chris Lavelle and Suzanne were thrilled with the turnout and enthusiasm for Chris’ documentary. 

Here is your correspondent showing off his Lady in the lobby... (She asked me to add that it’s actually the other way around.  We often argue about things like this).  

Our good friend Terri Horsmann got the award for distance traveled; she was visiting from Minneapolis, “Minnesnowta”. Incidentally, Terri will be attending a workshop in western New York this weekend.

These giggly girls at the next table appeared to be having a lot of fun that night; I suspect wine might have been involved, especially after they told me that I owed them a drink for taking the picture below... 

Chris, his wife, Gina, and her family had invited us to a post-viewing party at a nearby restaurant. They are a fun-loving wacky bunch, just like us! We wished that we had more time in Rochester to get to know them better; maybe next year!


  1. Looks like everything went smoothly and what a
    neat farm house. Almost looks like a church....

    I like Suzanne's jacket!

  2. Suzanne and Ty,

    Great pictures of the 2 of you...and wonderful pictures of the charming houses. The pictures of S.O.A.R. reflect lots of fun and outstanding attendance. Rochester is my second home, having lived there for several years, so felt a twinge of melancholy in the viewing. RIT is my husband's alma mater. Rochester is a wonderful community. Felt "in spirit" with all of you. Nicely done!!

    With much Love,

  3. Would have loved to join you in Rochester we are in our bus coming back from a wedding in Rochester Mn. ( wrong Rochester) we have followed your adventures and loved Ty commentaries and pictures. We are on way back To The Villages for a special reception on Oct the 5 th. Our new bus has had engine problems since day one ( day one last march) mfg has tried without results to fix the problem. Had mediation meeting yesterday without resolve arbitration meeting on October 23 rd. Can we have a Phone meeting before the Oct date. WILL SEE YOU at Lake Miona . On 5th of October. Cell# 614 975 2921. Or 614 946. 4151. Marlene Rick Moe
